im体育APP’s polymer testing labs offer world-class expertise in testing for polymeric materials, 包括弹性体, 热塑性塑料, 复合材料, 涂料, structural 粘合剂 in a variety of industries.


im体育APP’s network of cutting-edge polymer testing labs provide insight on how plastics and other polymeric materials will perform under mechanical and environmental 压力es. Our expert staff and advanced laboratory technology allow us to perform a truly comprehensive range of tests, 包括作曲和 化学分析, 热分析, 渗透测试, 机械测试 的聚合物.

Trust an im体育APP polymer testing lab to help you understand the limits of your materials and get the most value throughout their life cycle. For a full list of the standards and methods we utilize, 或者了解更多关于自定义测试的信息, 请 im体育APP.



聚合物 机械测试 subjects the test specimen to different degrees and types of mechanical 压力 to understand how it will perform under extreme conditions. im体育APP’s capabilities for 机械测试 include, but are not limited to:

  • 聚合物和复合材料硬度试验
  • 聚合物 拉伸试验 (强度)
  • 聚合物 压缩, 影响, 蠕变 and fatigue testing
  • 屈服、粘接和剥离强度


化学 & 成分聚合物测试

im体育APP’s labs can also provide detailed information on the chemical makeup of a polymeric material, 这让我们对它的质量有了更深的了解, determines its compatibility with other materials and identifies any impurities or contaminants.

Our labs can identify the components of an unknown polymeric material in great detail using expert chemical and 热分析 techniques. 化学 polymer testing may be necessary for material verification, 失效分析, 或deformulation.

To learn more about im体育APP’s polymer testing capabilities, or request a quote, im体育APP 今天.


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im体育APP offers comprehensive 机械测试 services for polymers, 弹性体, 复合材料和热塑性塑料, 包括疲劳, 影响, 蠕变, 抗拉, 压缩, 弯曲和剪切.

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Our compatibility testing services evaluate whether a fluid-polymer solution can sustain operation functionality, or if there are potential issues that could result in system failures.



im体育APP provides a range of analytical testing services for polymers, 如玻璃化转变温度, 熔点, 结晶度, 比热, thremal电导率, 减肥, 量纲和模量变化. 



im体育APP experts are here to help you with your 失效分析 on plastics, 复合材料, 橡胶, 粘合剂, 密封剂, 油漆和涂料.

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渗透 & 扩散试验

With a unique range of permeating capabilities for polymers, 热塑性塑料, 弹性体和复合材料, we can simulate the high 压力 and extreme 温度s found in deep wells, or the conditions in an automotive applications, utilities industry or chemical processing equipment.

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High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Exposure 测试 Services

We offer extensive services for the qualification and compatibility of polymer materials exposed to production fluids at high 压力 and high 温度 (HPHT).

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Our industry-leading coating expertise covers a wide range of applications and client needs. Using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, 我们提供咨询, investigation and testing of thermal insulation 涂料.

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im体育APP offers advanced numerical analysis service using Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA) techniques using industry standard software to predict the long term behavior of materials components and products when in service.


塑料管道 & 配件测试

Our plastic pipe testing program offers test data for product classification and lifetime evaluation to resin manufacturers, pipe extruders and certification bodies worldwide. 

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In addition to providing testing according to recognized industry standards such as ISO and ASTM, im体育APP has years of experience in developing custom test methods and equipment based around clients' project requirements.

im体育APP’s 从事专家 are able to develop custom test methods and equipment when standard test methods are not available, or when clients wish to explore material performance limits, accommodate particularly severe operating conditions, or investigate new materials and new equipment design. 

Combining industry experience with state-of the-art-laboratories and a diverse range of equipment, im体育APP tailors bespoke testing programs around your needs whilst adopting a flexible approach to meeting requests, 即使是最具挑战性的项目.  


  • The design, fabrication, commissioning of test rigs and fixtures
  • The use of DAQ software for instrumentation: measurement of 压力, 温度, 压力, 应变, 负载, 和位移
  • The use of machine control software: control of 温度, 压力, 位移, 驱动设备
  • Image processing software: fracture surface analysis, dimensional change
  • 开发新的操作程序
  • 咨询公司




Find out about im体育APPs range of 涂料 testing services designed to help to make certain that materials, products and pipelines we test for our customers are protected from corrosion, 紫外线, 渗水, 热, 磨损和化学品.

石油 & 气体测试服务

石油 & 气体

im体育APP's global platform of laboratories offers advanced services designed to test and qualify materials intended for use within the environments of the future.



聚合物 Matrix Composites (PMCs) are helping push the limits of aerospace technology with lighter, 更强的, 更耐用的材料.



了解更多 about our laboratories - where they are located; the unique capabilities they have and how they can help you solve your technical and commercial challenges.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.